About Lifepoints

Discover the mission and leaders of Lifepoints


Dr. Gary Hewins

Gary holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Georgia State University, a Master’s of Arts degree in Religion, and a Doctorate in Ministry from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston, Massachusetts.

Missions is deeply embedded in Gary’s heart. He has been instrumental in proclaiming the Gospel in many nations among people devoted to many false gods. His unique preaching and teaching style cultivates a hunger for the Word of God in others.

If interested in speaking engagements, contact LifepointsHelp@gmail.com for more information.

Lifepoints Core Values

The Lifepoints Training Team equips God’s people for works of service by:

• Inspiring followers of Christ to discover their calling, raise their game, and better their world.

• Collaborating with church leaders to help staff ministers becomes more efficient, focused and fruitful.

• Intensifying one’s passion to make a difference with their life for the kingdom of God.

• Experiencing ministry on the mission field.

• Consulting with church and parachurch ministries to prioritize and execute ministry goals and objectives.

• Providing hands-on specialized training for men and women in the marketplace, the church and the home.

• Catching teens and collegiates early in their process of sensing a call to preach, teach, evangelize or counsel others.

• Assisting home-school parents with teaching and training.

Five Apple Farms

Five Apple Farm is truly a remarkable and special place. Serving as the proud home to Lifepoints, this enchanting venue is nestled in the scenic mountains of Highlands, North Carolina. It is here that Lifepoints hosts a variety of enriching workshops, insightful seminars, and engaging conferences, providing opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Click here to visit the Five Apple Farm’s Website