As an inexperienced youth minister years ago, I was sponsored by the Senior Adult Ministry to participate in a study tour of Israel. In retrospect, that first trip to Israel did many things for me. The exposure to the sights, sounds, and fragrances of the first century gospel context greatly increased my understanding of, and my passion for, the scripture. Anyone who teaches or preaches scripture should not pass this opportunity by.
The historic and cultural instruction, coupled with the spiritual nurturing and worship encounters, led me to a whole new place of understanding and devotion. What at first glance looked like just a site-seeing tour was actually a spiritual encounter and a call to deep levels of fascination with the biblical text.
As a seasoned minister, my additional journeys to Israel have become satisfying experiences of newer understanding and excitement. Seeing fellow travelers experience the joy of making even greater sense of both the Old and New Testaments as they encounter the Lord is so very enjoyable. I have concluded that all who follow Christ, in every season of their walk, can greatly benefit from a high-quality tour of the Galilee, the Jordan Valley, Jerusalem, and the Judean Wilderness.
My wife, Angie, and I, along with Israel’s best tour guide, provide an experience of learning, fellowship, humor, and worship. We know how to provide you with what you will need on your personal pilgrimage to thoroughly enjoy your journey. Here are some things to look forward to in the Holy land:
Following the footsteps of Christ, even on the Sea of Galilee, as our floating worship service takes us deep into the gospel narratives.
Actually standing on the shore where Peter and Jesus discussed a need for an even deeper love.
Reading the Psalms and praying in Jesus’ dungeon the night he was arrested.
Finding your private place of rest and reflection in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Overlooking the Galilee from the place of the Sermon on the Mount.
Enjoying worship and Holy Communion at the empty tomb.
Hiking about the oasis, En Gedi, where David encountered King Saul.
Sitting on the Southern Steps of the temple where Jesus taught.
Taking the Palm Sunday walk through the Kidron Valley into Jerusalem.
We have had the privilege of seeing both young and old experience the Holy Land. Pastors and teachers from various nations have made the pilgrimage with us as well. So, what about you? Will you believe God for such an opportunity? Let’s explore a whole new means of experiencing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, together.
-Pastor Gary Hewins