It is a joy to look others in the eye, only to let them know that they are far more influential than perhaps they have been told or they have ever realized. It is so important that we each know who we are in Christ.
Global missions work is a very interesting endeavor. Traditional missions training dictates that a minister or missionary remain quite sensitive to a people’s culture when communicating the Bible. It is thought to be wise to consider one’s cultural context, traditions, and familiarities before introducing new perspectives that originate outside of that culture. This is true on many fronts, until the truth of scripture is asked to bow a knee before the altar of tradition.
Scots are a beautiful people who have deeply established, lofty, and respectful perspectives on royalty, priests in the church, their national heritage, and what it means to be Scottish. History dictates that those who thought otherwise of those in authority were, at times, burned at the stake. Imagine the potential uphill climb to preach on the following verse of scripture that suddenly placed even greater authority and favor upon “commoners” who follow Christ:
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9).
The people here in Scotland (who are the Church) are figuring out who they really are, only to boldly and lovingly take back ground for the Kingdom of God. It is quite a refreshing sight to see.
In many ways, my duties here in Dundee, Scotland are fulfilled. It has been quite clear that those praying back home for me have made all the difference. My purpose here has been both simple and clear. I have been in country to speak life into people by telling them who they are in Christ even if, at times, their circumstances, their heritage, or even their families say otherwise.
Young students now see themselves as future nurses and artists in Christ. Men just beginning to dip their toes in the waters of faith now see possible relevance in the church, where as before, it was a joke. I leave a congregation behind, charged to be the priests they are called to be and to walk with an authority they may never have realized was theirs. I count it a privilege to have made new friends in an “uncommon Scottish church” whose citizenship and identity are rooted first in heaven.
I take no credit for any advances made here this week, but I do share in the joy of ministering under a covering of prayer provided by many back home. I deeply appreciate the leadership that Pastor Nathan McConnell and his wife, Courtney, are providing here in Dundee. The potential for a partnership with Downfield Main church is extensive. So, we will continue to do what we do—build one another up in the most holy faith.
Do you know who you are in Christ? If this question seems strange, you likely do not know. Perhaps you are missing out on the most glorious adventure on earth…living out of a friendship with Christ: never boring, always satisfying, and never-ending.
-Dr. Gary Hewins