In Christ, for you, worry is extinct. You seek first the kingdom. The things others fret over are actually being added unto you. Central to your existence is kingdom-building, thus you are insulated from the chill of fear. You are the head and not the tail. The confidence you have in Christ, your Provider, is ongoing, time-stamped, and tested. You are not a ship, tossed to and fro by waves of doubt. Your sails are filled by the wind of the Spirit. You are single-minded, trusting, and at peace. Your life in Christ has movement and purpose. Your mission is focus-worthy. You laugh at a “worry” that seeks to stymie your calling.
You have not a spirit of timidity. Fear and worry are not in your repertoire. You are wired for grace and mercy. You are a finely-tuned source of encouragement to others, your needs are met in partnership with Christ. Your approach to life is fulfilling and meaningful. In Christ, you are free from emotional despair and spiritual apathy. Secular desperation is for others. You thirst for a holy desperation. You are desperate for another day in Christ. In you, there exists no appetite for status, notoriety, or flattery. You are a walking, talking example of God’s favor to which no string is attached. You are worry-free because you have finally entered into the liberty and joy of unconditional love. You do not worry about being cared for because of your imperfection. You now boast in weaknesses and still enjoy the ongoing unmerited blessings of God. You have come to understand that your weaknesses foster His great strength in and through you.
In Christ, you recognize wrong turns. You won’t allow yourself to stray off course. He, the Lifter of your head, gently brings you back to center when you begin to worry. His perfect love dispels the dim, eerie, and slithering fear that many live with daily. You remain grateful for the opportunities that prompt an ever-increasing faith. You are grateful for tests of faith. You are ok with divine refinement. You are a work in progress, being shaped into an ever-faithful steward. You are being prepared to trust on even deeper levels.
In Christ, debilitating worry is extinct. You are His child. You are childlike but not childish. You trust Him for opportunities to work, serve, love, and make Him known. You trust Him with your health. You are abandoned to Him with all that you have and cherish. You have no fear of death. In Christ, you see worry as the greatest waste. When you begin to turn inward, when you start to ease Him away, He begins to remind you of who you are and whose you are. He sees you both as you are and who you will soon be. He calls things that are not into being.
He is the Conductor, orchestrating sounds and directing instruments as He raises and lowers the intensity and pitch of the song that best reflects your heart. He is writing the most unique overture of your life that has movements upward into eternity. In Christ, you are ever-aware of His attentiveness to make music of your life. You trust the song will be beautiful. You trust the Conductor and in so doing, your song could never be a dirge, muddied by the stain of worry, of fear, of timidity. Enjoy Him today, for this is all we have. Tomorrow has enough worry of its own.
-Dr. Gary Hewins