This world has a deep, seemingly never-ending “soul ache”. It is difficult to meet someone who is not hurting somewhere down deep in the “crawl spaces of their soul” whether than realize it or not. Crawl spaces are in need the Light that reveals and the Consuming Fire that warms. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matt. 5:16).
You are “bettering” your world if you can clearly communicate your mission and ministry calling.
You are “bettering” your world if you are maximizing your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses.
You are “bettering” your world if you are strategically investing time in your personal or vocational ministry rather than frivolously spending time in ministry.
You are bettering your world if you in your world or equipping others who are.
You are bettering your world if you are being equipped and equipping others to reach the world beyond your efforts.
Lifepoints equips personal and vocational ministries “better their worlds” through online instruction, published materials, retreats, intensive workshops and coaching or consulting.